Captain Edward Ruppelt

Edward Ruppelt was an engineer with the Northrop Aircraft Corporation when he released The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects in 1956. This book was to be one of the most influential volumes produced in the 1950s and is still quoted today. During World War II Ruppelt was a bombardier with the very first B-29 wing and served both in China and in the South Pacific.

When the war ended Ruppelt went to college and was still in attendance there when the Korean War started in 1950. At the end of that year he was called up to active duty and sent to the Air Technical Intelligence Corps (ATIC) based at Wright Field near Dayton, Ohio. He arrived in January of 1951 with the rank of Captain. His stay in the Air Force was to last 33 months.

In September of 1951 he was put "in charge" of the "flying saucer group" at ATIC, then called GRUDGE. Also working on UFOs at that time was the Air Materiel Command (AMC). Ruppelt stayed with Grudge throughout the rest of 1951 and remained on board when it became Blue Book in 1952. He was the man in the middle during the great Washington, DC, flap of July, 1952 and saw what the Robertson Committee did to the UFO and the Air Force in 1953.
The Report Of Unidentified Flying Objects - Doubleday - 1956

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